
Profil kite hunter x hunter
Profil kite hunter x hunter

profil kite hunter x hunter

Parallel to this a significant amount of screen time is dedicated to Meruem, his growing affection for Komugi and consequent existential crisis. After several episodes and turns of events, Gon and Killua as part of a team of hunters and allied chimera ants prepare for their grand attack on East Gorteau. Gon gets to witness Kite’s body as it’s possessed by Neferpitou, which further fuels his desire for revenge and to turn Kite back to normal. While Gon and Killua are off fighting Knuckle and Shoot in order to improve their skills, the chimera ants, lead by their king Meruem and his royal guard, proceed to occupy the nation of East Gorteau. Act Twoīetween the first and second time that Gon and Neferpitou face each other, a lot of things happen. Their fight was so one-sided that it wasn’t even worth being covered Kite is now dead, meaning that Gon is entirely driven by a false hope. As he looks at the shining smile of his friend, he thinks to himself: “Gon, you are light.” But this hope is relentlessly crushed by the episode’s final shot, which sees Neferpitou sitting with Kite’s decapitated head on her lap, holding it like a pet. Killua’s agony is immediately exchanged by hope through Gon’s unshakable optimism. He tells Killua that they should become stronger so that they can return and save him. Although when Gon wakes up, it is with a doubtless belief that Kite is still alive. But he is also filled with despair, having been confronted by the Lovecraftian power level that Neferpitou displayed. He is filled with guilt and regret over what would’ve happened if they had acted differently. Once out, Killua is devastated by their defeat. Kite tells Killua to get out of the area, and so with Gon carried on his shoulder he retreats. All in all the scene is over in just about two minutes. But he is quickly stopped by Killua who hits him unconscious, having realized the immense power gap between them and the enemy. As his whole body unleashes a fierce fire of his golden nen aura, he screams out in anger ready to attack. With his eyes directed at Kite and then turning to the severed arm lying on the ground, he gets filled with rage. Gon however is not the first one to back down from a fight, even (or perhaps especially) in a situation like this. From having triumphantly fought off chimera ants to this point, the trio’s situation has gotten exponentially more critical the only priority now is simply survival. Unlike the evil villainy displayed by the sadistic Hisoka or the coldhearted Illumi, she merely appears as a predator playing with its prey. What Neferpitou’s presence evokes in this scene is but one thing: danger.

profil kite hunter x hunter

Visualized by a thick fog of deep purple that overwhelms them like a storm, it becomes clear that this nen is unlike anything they’ve ever sensed before. Neferpitou then looks at the two boys with sharp glaring eyes, thus directing her aura towards them. The impact is visualized by a grainy black and white, with the exception of Kite’s contrastingly red blood.

profil kite hunter x hunter profil kite hunter x hunter

In a matter of milliseconds Kite’s right arm is severed, to which Gon and Killua react with shock. This is accompanied by an ominously crescendoing orchestra from the score, which turns completely silent at the immediate point of impact. Standing outside the nest miles away from them, she tenses her thigh muscles and jumps with the speed and accuracy of a sniper bullet straight toward Kite. We get a shot of Neferpitou’s eye as it glaringly overwhelms Kite in the frame, signaling that her nen has gotten aim on him. When Gon and Killua ask him what’s wrong, he instantly tells them to run away. The second Neferpitou’s immensely strong aura hits Kite he is filled with cold sweat, daunted by the unbelievable power before him. In their exploration of the forest of NGL, Gon, Killua and Kite have arrived at the chimera ants’ nest. Their initial encounter is as brief as it is impactful.

Profil kite hunter x hunter